October 2012
Video: For Halloween, a game of blind cat and mouse
Happy Halloween, Funkers! At our October 2nd horror program, The Colin & Ishmael Players brought us a Tuesday Funk first with their dramatic reading of "Colin and Ishmael in the Dark." You may need to turn the volume up a...
Meet Our Readers: Jac Jemc
Jac Jemc's first novel, My Only Wife, was released from Dzanc earlier this year. She is the poetry editor for decomP and a fiction web editor at Hobart. She blogs her rejections at jacjemc.com. Please come see Jac and the...
Video: Cynthia (cina) Pelayo gives us the boot
At our October 2nd horror program, Cynthia (cina) Pelayo stopped by our microphone to chill us with another story from her collection Loteria, and it sounded a little like this... And if you liked that, you won't want to miss...
Meet Our Readers: Mary Lorenz
A New Orleans native, Mary Lorenz relocated to Chicago five years ago for a job and a mad craving for Rainbow Cone. A copywriter by day, Mary Lorenz spends her free time writing and performing in and around Chicago -...
Meet Our Readers: Mary Zemaitis
Mary Zemaitis won her second-grade writing contest for the groundbreaking story "The Stolen Princess." The piece documented a sea princess's struggle against underwater witches. It is considered Mary's definitive work because her teacher laminated it. Pretty much downhill from there....
Meet Our Readers: Kelly Swails
Kelly Swails is a writer who pays the bills by editing an online scientific journal. Her short fiction has appeared in several anthologies including "Predator and Prey 2" and "Boondocks Fantasy." She and her husband are in the process of...
Video: Cynthia (cina) Pelayo spoils a magician's tricks
At our October 2nd horror program, Cynthia (cina) Pelayo stopped by our microphone to chill us with a story from her collection Loteria, and it sounded a little like this... And if you liked that, you won't want to miss...
Meet Our Readers: B. E. Pinkham
B. E. Pinkham has held various paying jobs in commercial photography, interior design and customer service management but considers her true career to be as non-market skill specialist in the disciplines of creative writing, visual art and community building. Originally...
Tuesday Funk #51, "Election Night Edition": November 6th
Our next event will take place Tuesday, November 6, 2012, and will include readings from Jac Jemc, Mary Lorenz, B. E. Pinkham, Kelly Swails, and Mary Zemaitis.
October debriefing
You're forgiven if you decided to take a pass on out most recent episode of Tuesday Funk at Hopleafour United States of Horror edition. Yes, in honor of the ghastly month of October, we presented an evening of horror stories...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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