Elizabeth Gomez is a comedian, writer, and a free bleeder. She performs all over the city, but you may have seen her on Check Please, which means she is Chicago famous now. She is the founding writer of Drinkers with Writing Problems, cast member of the Kates, founder of the Windy City Rollers, and possibly the reason your parents broke up. Catch her next at the Chicago Womens Funny Festival!
Please join Elizabeth and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.
Please join Elizabeth and all our outstanding readers for Tuesday Funk #106, Tuesday, June 6, 7:30 p.m. at Hopleaf in Chicago. Admission is free!