Andersonville Arts Week Show Debrief

Karen Clanton at Tuesday Funk 109.5 - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
We had a blast at the special Andersonville Arts Week edition of Tuesday Funk, demonstrating the eclecticism of our format for an attentive audience who braved the rain to see us on a Saturday.

Leading us off, Karen Clanton read an essay about how she's saying "I usually don't, but..." a lot more as she's gotten older. Then Aaron Cynic railed against the administration and channeled a lot of the nihilism and rage a lot of folks have been feeling this year. Cohost Andrew Huff read a couple of his patented seasonal haiku, and Paul McComas and Maya Kuper took us into the intermission with a performance an excerpt of their alt-rock musical UNPLUGGED: A Survivor's Story in Scenes & Songs.

Bartender Jason refilled our drinks, and we settled back into the show with a prose poem by guest cohost Emma Terhaar. Benjamin Goluboff read a trio of poems from his forthcoming collection, and finally Kellye Howard read a portion of her memoir in progress.

We'll be back to our usual first Tuesday schedule with a show on November 7, featuring Parneshia Jones, Henri Harps, Jeff Ruby, Gint Aras and Britt Julious. Hope to see you there!

Photo by Aaron Cynic