June 2019
Meet Our Readers: Kalisha Buckhanon
Kalisha Buckhanon's fourth novel SPEAKING OF SUMMER arrives July 30 from Counterpoint Press. The novel has been named a "Best Of" for Essence, O Magazine, Ms. Magazine, TIME, Buzzfeed, LitHub, USA Today and more. Her other novels have won a...
Meet Our Readers: Cameron McGill
Cameron McGill is a writer, educator, musician, and the poetry editor of Blood Orange Review. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Mid-American Review, and elsewhere. His chapbook, Meridians, is forthcoming this...
Meet Our Readers: Kenji Kuramitsu
Kenji Kuramitsu (he/him/his) is a writer, hospital chaplain and social worker living in Chicago. Kenji holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago (MSW) and McCormick Theological Seminary (M.Div), where he serves as an Adjunct Professor in Ministry. Kenji's writing...
Meet Our Readers: Sahar Mustafah
Sahar Mustafah is the author of Code of the West, an award-winning short story collection. Her first novel, The Beauty of Your Face, is forthcoming from W.W. Norton next year. She's taught wonderful and misunderstood teenagers for over twenty years. Please...
Topical Haiku for June 2019
Cohost Andrew Huff read a quartet of his trademark topical haiku at our show on June 4, 2019. Hair always looks worst the week before a haircut -- and best the day of. If Trump's trade tariffs don't destroy Midwest...
Tuesday Funk #129: July 2, 2019
The sparks will fly both inside and out for the 129th edition of Tuesday Funk! Chicago's favorite eclectic monthly reading series will be back in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf on Tuesday, July 2. Join us for readings by Sahar...
June 2019 Debrief
Some nights just feel right. June 4 was one of those nights, when everything just came together and your favorite eclectic monthly reading series simply hummed. James Finn Garner set the mood with a snappy bit of clown-detective noir. Next,...
Tuesday Funk #128 is tonight!
Come celebrate maybe-finally-could-it-actually-be-summer with us and our glorious readers: Mare Swallow, Bill Savage, Elizabeth Gomez, Erin Watson, and James Finn Garner! Our readings take place at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark St. in Chicago. We get started promptly at 7:30...
Meet Our Readers: Elizabeth Gomez
Elizabeth Gomez is a Chicago based comedian, writer, and storyteller. She established the city's first all female roller derby league, The Windy City Rollers, in 2004. She is the founding writer of a writing collective called Drinkers with Writing Problems...
Meet Our Readers: Mare Swallow
Mare Swallow is a full-time public speaking and communications coach, occasional writer, and sometimes ukulele player. She shares her stories at events like this one - Tuesday Funk! Find her at mariannaswallow.com. Please join Mare and our other amazing readers...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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