July 2024 Debrief

Kate Lechler Tuesday Funk 2024 - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
On the Tuesday before July 4, we celebrated our independence with a little Tuesday Funk! Kate Lechler got the show rolling with a delightfully dread-inspiring story of self-actualization. C. Russell Price then introduce us to a cowboy ghost and his blue ghost horse friend through the medium of poetry. Then James Kennedy read portions of two of his novels, including a whirlwind scene from Bride of the Tornado.

We took a break to refill our drinks, and host Andrew Huff eased us in with some of his topical haiku. Kathleen Rooney read poems from her unpublished manuscript O Western Wind, and Edward McClelland closed out the show with an excerpt from his new book, Chorus of the Union: How Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Set Aside Their Rivalry to Save the Nation.

Join us in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf on Tuesday, August 6, when Erin will make her debut as cohost with Andrew, and we'll have readings by Jitesh Jaggi, Rosamund Lannin, Sondra Morin, Kelly Swails and Lauren Whalen. Hope to see you there!  

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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