Readings : Page 14

Tuesday Funk #11

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, March 3rd: Originally from Michigan, JOSEPH GIBSON IRVIN earned his MFA from New School University in New York City. His first novel, A FENCE WE CAN CLIMB, is a midwestern gothic...  read

Tuesday Funk #10

Tuesday Funk #10 Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, February 3rd: LYNN SUH: Born in Cambridge (MA), and raised in Paris, Chicago, and Seoul (Korea), Lynn has been a bit of a vagabond with few constants in...  read

Tuesday Funk #9

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, January 6th: SPENCER DEW is the author of the story collection Songs of Insurgency (Vagabond Press, 2008). His fiction and essays have appeared in numerous journals. He is a regular reviewer...  read

Tuesday Funk #8

Please join us at Flourish on Tuesday, November 11th for a special Love-themed Tuesday Funk. Dancing Girl Press founder KRISTY BOWEN commissioned fifteen poets to imagine the love letter and sold them boxed together under the title billet-doux. The result...  read

Tuesday Funk #7

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, October 7th: BRYAN ALASPA Bryan Alaspa has been writing in one form or another since he first sat down in front of his mother's electric typewriter in the third grade. At...  read

Tuesday Funk #6

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, September 9th: JOTHAM BURRELLO teaches in the Fiction Writing Department at Columbia College where he directs the publishing lab. His work has appeared in literary journals, many of which you have...  read

Tuesday Funk #5

Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, August 5th: Poet and artist KRISTY BOWEN the fever almanac (Ghost Road Press, 2006) as well as several chapbook projects, including feign(NMP, 2007) and at the hotel andromeda, a collaborative book...  read

Tuesday Funk #4

LUKE ANDERSON was one of the founding members of the Writers Workspace in Andersonville/Edgewater. He has been a rodman, a mailman, a high school teacher, a translator, a content development project manager, a barista, and an editor. He is currently...  read

Tuesday Funk #3

JENNY GAVACS is an ex-journalist, ex-New Yorker and ex-expat. She has a B.S. in journalism, an M.A. in creative writing and works in book publishing. Her work has appeared in House & Garden magazine and Otium, the online literary magazine...  read

Tuesday Funk #2

RICHARD BENJAMIN received his MFA in fiction from Washington University. His stories have been published in Natural Bridge, The Ginkgo Tree Review, and Puerto Del Sol. He is a winner of the AWP Intro Award for Fiction. SETH CHAMBERS stories...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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