Participants : Page 49
Meet Our Readers: Kyle S. Johnson
Kyle S. Johnson lives in Dayton, Ohio, and drinks more coffee than should be humanly possible. He has taught English in South Korea, and has published numerous short stories in such places as Dark Faith, Where Thy Dark Eye Glances,...
Meet Our Readers: William Shunn
The first record album that longtime Tuesday Funk co-host William Shunn ever bought was Feels So Good by Chuck Mangione. He picked it up for the well-known title track, but continues to play it today for the Side 2 opener,...
Meet Our Readers: Noël Jones
Originally from Alaska, Noël Jones is a writer and former member of the 2000 National Poetry Slam Champion Team NYC-Urbana, featured in The New York Times and on NPR's "Infinite Mind," as well as at the South by Southwest Music...
Meet Our Readers: Laura Chavoen
Laura Chavoen is a wanna-be geek, a data and meme junkie, and a scarf and bangle lover. In her role as a digital brand strategist, she creates social and digital programs for clients and drives innovation. In the past she...
Meet Our Readers: Maurice Broaddus
Maurice Broaddus has written hundreds of short stories, essays, novellas, and articles. His dark fiction has been published in numerous magazines, anthologies, and web sites, including Asimov's Science Fiction, Cemetery Dance, Apex Magazine, and Weird Tales Magazine. He is the...
Meet Our Readers: James Kennedy
James Kennedy is the author of The Order of Odd-Fish, a young adult fantasy that was named one of the Smithsonian's Notable Books for Children. Booklist praised Odd-Fish as "hilarious," and Time Out Chicago described it as "a work of...
Meet Our Readers: Aleksandar Hemon
Aleksandar Hemon is the author of The Lazarus Project, which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the National Book Award, as well as The Question of Bruno, Nowhere Man, Love and Obstacles and The Book...
Meet Our Readers: Norman Doucet
Norman Doucet hails from the den of the southern rebellion, Charleston, South Carolina. Influenced by the duality that exists there, he made some interesting decisions, starting with attending the collegefounded after a slave revoltwhich also has the dubious distinction of...
Meet Our Readers: William Shunn
William Shunn began his professional software development career at WordPerfect in 1991, where he wrote 80x86 assembly language code and helped kill the DOS version of the venerable word processor. Ironically, he still uses WordPerfect for most of his prose...
Meet Our Readers: Lania Knight
Lania Knight's first book, Three Cubic Feet, is a 2012 Lambda Literary Award Finalist in Debut Fiction. Her work has been published or will appear soon in Fourth Genre, New Stories from the Midwest, The Missouri Review, Literary Mama, PANK,...