Participants : Page 54

Meet Our Readers: Julie Ganey

Julie Ganey has worked as a writer and actress in Chicago for 20 years, and her original solo shows The Half-Life of Magic and Love Thy Neighbor...till it hurts have received multiple productions in the Chicago area. In the classroom,...  read

Meet Our Readers: Maggie Kast

Maggie Kast is the author of The Crack Between the Worlds: A Dancer's Memoir. Her stories have appeared in The Sun, Nimrod, Rosebud, and others, and essays in America, Writers Chronicle, and Image. She's currently at work on a novel,...  read

Meet Our Readers: Stephen Markley

Stephen Markley, author of Publish This Book: The Unbelievable True Story of How I Wrote, Sold, and Published This Very Book, will be reading from a new essay, available on Kindle and iBooks, called The Great Dysmorphia: An Epistemological View...  read

Meet Our Readers: Jodi Eichelberger

Jodi Eichelberger has been featured as a storyteller in New York City at The Moth, SpeakEasy Stories, and Stories for the Hairdresser, which he also produced. He is currently writing a collection of essays with the working title Audience of...  read

Lineup shuffle for December 4th

We at Tuesday Funk are always bummed when our readers must drop out for one reason or another. And since every good story needs a villain, for our December 4th reading we can blame the absence of CP Chang and...  read

Meet Our Readers: Andrew Reilly

Andrew Reilly is the director of publishing for 2nd Story and co-editor of the anthology Briefly Knocked Unconscious by a Low-Flying Duck. His work, much of which was written in Uptown, has appeared in a number of fine publications. Visit...  read

Meet Our Readers: Jac Jemc

Jac Jemc's first novel, My Only Wife, was released from Dzanc earlier this year. She is the poetry editor for decomP and a fiction web editor at Hobart. She blogs her rejections at Please come see Jac and the...  read

Meet Our Readers: Mary Lorenz

A New Orleans native, Mary Lorenz relocated to Chicago five years ago for a job and a mad craving for Rainbow Cone. A copywriter by day, Mary Lorenz spends her free time writing and performing in and around Chicago -...  read

Meet Our Readers: Mary Zemaitis

Mary Zemaitis won her second-grade writing contest for the groundbreaking story "The Stolen Princess." The piece documented a sea princess's struggle against underwater witches. It is considered Mary's definitive work because her teacher laminated it. Pretty much downhill from there....  read

Meet Our Readers: Kelly Swails

Kelly Swails is a writer who pays the bills by editing an online scientific journal. Her short fiction has appeared in several anthologies including "Predator and Prey 2" and "Boondocks Fantasy." She and her husband are in the process of...  read