Videos : Page 15

Video: Brenda Cooper ejects us from the garden

And we'll bring our July videofest to a stirring close with this short story from acclaimed writer Brenda Cooper, who joined us at our mike in June... Be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at...  read

Video: Sarah K. Castle stalks the mutant stag

Our August reading is coming up fast, and there's no better way to get in the right frame of mind than with videos from past event. This story from June, Sarah K. Castle's chilling encounter with "The Mutant Stag at...  read

Video: William Shunn probes the lunar night

Next up in our July videofest is this short poem from Funk co-host William Shunn, "The Lunar Night, Chicago"... And be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at Hopleaf, for six more great readers, including...  read

Video: Vincent Jorgensen's dog days

Were we cracking wise a few days ago about dogs? Well, we take it all back. Feast your eyes and ears on this June reading from Vincent Jorgensen, with the opening from novel-in-progress Pood!e. Dog days indeed! And be sure...  read

Video: Kelly Swails travels in time

We're devoting July to remembrances of Funks past, so please enjoy this clip from June of Kelly Swails reading her short story "A Portrait in Time"! And be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2, 7:30 pm upstairs at...  read

Tuesday Funk #36: August 2nd

Our next event will take place on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, and will include readings from Tegan Jones, Sondra Morin, Eden M. Robins, Julie Rosenthal, Jerry Schwartz and Karen Skalitzkyread

Video: Aldo Vesper lands a whopper

As we count down to our August reading, we're bringing you some classic performances from Tuesday Funks past. In this clip from May, Paul McComas channels his character Aldo Vesper to bring us a real big fish story. (Or is...  read

Video: Bits and pieces from Paul McComas

Your friends here at Tuesday Funk are taking it easy during the month of July, so we thought we'd fill in that giant Funk-shaped hole in your heart with some more video performances from the archives. Back in May, we...  read

June debriefing

If you missed our Science Fiction Sextuple Feature this past Tuesday night, you missed a brisk, funny, and exciting evening with some of today's upcoming and best writers of speculative fiction. That's right, we were joined upstairs at Hopleaf by...  read

Video: Tim W. Brown travels through time

We're so excited about our upcoming "Science Fiction Sextuple Feature" that we want to put you in the mood with yet another video scavenged from a recent Tuesday Funk episode. When Tim W. Brown joined us at our podium back...  read