April 2012 : Page 1
Video: William Shunn wags the dog
At our April Tuesday Funk reading, co-host William Shunn shared this short poem, "Old Man Walking an Old Dog"... And if you enjoyed that, though Bill himself will be absent, you'll get another new Poem by Bill at our very...
Meet Our Readers: B.C. Bell
B.C. Bell is the author and creator of Tales of The Bagman, Chicago's own pulp hero! Bell has written numerous pulp hero adventures--among them The Avenger, Secret Agent X, and Dan Fowler G-Man--for Airship 27, Pro Se Press, and Moonstone...
Meet Our Readers: Chris Mendius
Chicago author Chris Mendius earned a BSME from University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana and an MBA from University of Chicago. He started writing after college and produced a terrible screenplay, a mediocre first novel and some decent short stories. He...
Less than 36 hours to help the Chicago Writers Conference
You may be sick of hearing about this, Funkers, but you have less than 36 hours left to help fund the Kickstarter campaign for this September's Chicago Writers Conference. They still have more than $1,500 to raise to meet their...
Tuesday Funk congratulates Alex Shakar!
Tuesday Funk sends its heartiest congratulations to Chicago's own Alex Shakar, whose novel Luminarium was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for fiction this past Friday evening! Alex will be joining us on June 5th to read from Luminarium,...
Meet Our Readers: Tom Underberg
Tom Underberg writes speculative fiction and raises children. He also obsessively documents bricks, sidewalks and manhole covers for his blog on invisible infrastructure. Before his twins were born he had real jobs in software and consulting. He lives with his...
The Chicago Writers Conference REALLY needs your help
Hi, Funkers. We're not going to make another long pitch here. We're just going to note that, if you're a writer in Chicago, you need the Chicago Writers Conference. And the Chicago Writers Conference needs you back. Only five days...
Meet Our Readers: Julie Rosenthal
Julie Rosenthal is a freelance writer in Chicago. Her fiction has been recognized by ChiZine and has appeared in Kaleidotrope, A cappella Zoo, and Columbia College's annual Story Week Reader. Another story is forthcoming later this year in Breaking the...
Meet Our Readers: Susanna Lang
Susanna Lang's first collection of poems, Even Now, was published in 2008 by The Backwaters Press. A chapbook, Two by Two, was released in October 2011 from Finishing Line Press, and a new collection, Tracing the Lines, will be published...
Tuesday Funk #45: May 1st
Our next event will take place Tuesday, May 1, 2012, and will include readings from Chris Mendius, B.C. Bell, Susanna Lang, Julie Rosenthal, and Tom Underberg.
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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