Open Books
An evening of speculative fiction at Open Books, February 28th
Though it's not a Tuesday Funk reading, we'd like to invite you to a special evening of speculative fiction readings on Thursday, February 28th, at Open Books Bookstore in Chicago! It's the first in the Chicago Writers Conference's new quarterly...
Reminder: Tuesday Funk #49 is tonight!
Good morning, Chicago! Tuesday Funk could not be more pleased to be bringing you, in association with the Chicago Writers Conference and Open Books, our first special Friday reading event! This remarkable evening, featuring attendees of the Chicago Writers Conference,...
Tuesday Funk likes Open Books
Tuesday Funk is delighted to be producing this Friday's Chicago Writers Conference special reading event together with Open Books, an organization that truly needs and deserves your support. Open Books, if you don't know, is a nonprofit social venture that...
Tuesday Funk #49: September 14th
Our next event, our Chicago Writers Conference Special Edition, will take place Friday, September 14, 2012, at Open Books and will include readings from M. Salahuddin Khan, Rachel Wilson, Patricia Skalka, William Shunn and Mary Robinette Kowal.
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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