Reading #126
Topical Haiku for April 2019
The runoff election was weighing on cohost Andrew Huff ahead of our April show, which happened to fall on election night. Mayor Preckwinkle after today's election. Or Mayor Lightfoot. Either one will be Chicago's first black woman to become mayor....
April 2019 Debrief
The April edition of Tuesday Funk was on election night, and we appreciate the folks who elected come out for some live lit! And as April is National Poetry Month, the show was loaded with poets. Levi Todd got the...
Tuesday Funk #126 is tonight!
Don't miss our amazing line-up: Stuti Sharma, Elizabeth Tamny, Nestor Gomez, Levi Todd, and Amar Taylor! Our readings take place at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark St. in Chicago. We get started promptly at 7:30 pm in the upstairs lounge....
Meet Our Readers: Stuti Sharma
Stuti Sharma is an immigrant artist, stand up comic, clumsy poet, and educator based in Chicago. She's a poet in residence with the Chicago Poetry Center. She is a Leo sun, Virgo moon and only trust restaurants where the cooks...
Meet Our Readers: Amar Taylor
Amar Taylor is a 23-year-young creative writer and poet from Chicago. Amar likes to use his poetry to release great energy. Amar discovered passion for his writing when he was denied an opportunity simply because of who he was. Ever...
Meet Our Readers: Nestor Gomez
Nestor "the Boss" Gomez was born in Guatemala and came to Chicago undocumented in the mid 80's. He told his first story at a Moth Story Slam to get over the stuttering that plagued his childhood, and since then he...
Meet Our Readers: Elizabeth Tamny
Elizabeth Tamny has lived in Chicago since Eugene Sawyer was mayor, which is a long time, but she is not from here. Since then she has done equal time in publishing, museums, and alt-weeklies, the trifecta of underpaid ladyjobs. She...
Meet Our Readers: Levi Todd
Levi Todd is a queer poet and lifelong Chicagoan. They serve as Poetry Editor for Tinderbox Poetry Journal and as a relationship health educator with youth. Levi's work is published or forthcoming in Pinwheel, Cotton Xenomorph, Glass Poetry, and elsewhere....
Tuesday Funk #126: April 2, 2019
Spring into action with your favorite eclectic monthly reading series! Tuesday Funk returns to the upstairs bar at Hopleaf on Tuesday, April 2 with readings by Nestor Gomez, Elizabeth Tamny, Amar Taylor, Stuti Sharma and Levi Todd. Admission to Tuesday...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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