Reading # 72
Andrew Huff Cools Off with Haiku
At the August 5 edition of Tuesday Funk, co-host Andrew Huff covered Lollapalooza, rained-out films and politics. This is Spinal Tap screened in a downpour Tuesday. A fitting tribute. Mysterious sounds float on the breeze near Grant Park. Lollapalooza. August...
August debriefing
If you're wondering why this post took so long, it's because we literally had our minds blown by Tuesday Funk #72. And I mean literally literally. Okay, that's a lie. But still. It was an awesome show. David Daskal set...
Reminder: Tuesday Funk #72 is tonight!
Guys. GUYS. Words cannot describe how excited we are for this month's Tuesday Funk. So forget the words. Just be there. Okay, we'll give you these words: It's Tuesday Funk #72! Starring: David Daskal, Britt Julious, Hannah Gamble, Leah Thomas,...
Meet Our Readers: Leah Thomas
Leah Thomas frequently loses battles of wits against her students and her stories. Because You'll Never Meet Me, her debut YA novel about oddball penpals, is forthcoming from Bloomsbury in Spring 2014. A graduate of Clarion 2010, more of her...
Meet Our Readers: Hannah Gamble
Hannah Gamble is working on her second book of poems. She is the current artist-in-residence at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Recent poems appear in The Believer, POETRY, and the American Poetry Review. She lives in Chicago where she...
Meet Our Readers: Christine Simokaitis
Christine Simokaitis' fiction and creative non-fiction has appeared in Calyx, Natural Bridge, Matchbook, Frigg, and many other print and on-line journals, as well as the anthologies, Are We Feeling Better Yet? Women Speak about Healthcare in America and Mourning Sickness....
Meet Our Readers: Britt Julious
Britt Julious is a born and bred Chicagoan with a curiosity for weird, synthy music, shiny clothes, crappy television, and snappy pieces of really, really good writing. In 2014, Britt founded Inland, an online and print publication examining contemporary Midwest...
Meet Our Readers: David Daskal
David Daskal is a Writer, Salesman and Family Dude living in Chicago. He has written and starred in five one-man shows around Chicago including The Pursuit of Happiness, The Generic News Hour and Habitat. Please join David and all our...
Tuesday Funk #72 - Aug. 5, 2014
Right here in the heart of summer, we've got a hot show foryou. The August edition of Chicago's eclectic monthly reading series will feature Hannah Gamble, David Daskal, Christine Simokaitis, Britt Julious and Leah Thomas. Andrew Huff and Eden Robins...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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