Reading # 85
Serious Haiku for September
At the Sept. 1 edition of Tuesday Funk, co-host Andrew Huff was in no mood for jokes with his haiku ripped from the headlines. Shot on live TV; we're faced with the dilemma of whether to watch. The same day,...
September debriefing
Just like we mourn the passing of summer, so we will mourn the moving of our bartender Mark... to the Twin Cities. Tuesday Funk #85 was his last show with us, so in honor of his tenure, we drank extra...
Reminder: Tuesday Funk #85 is tonight!
Catch the tail-end of this summer's funk at Tuesday Funk #85 - Tonight! Featuring Brian Heath, Amanda Buckley, Jill Howe, Paul Dailing and David Daskal! Plus your humble co-hosts Andrew Huff and Eden Robins. Our readings take place at Hopleaf...
Meet Our Readers: David Daskal
David Daskal is a Writer, Salesman and Family Dude living in Chicago. He has written and starred in five one-man shows around Chicago including The Pursuit of Happiness, The Generic News Hour and Habitat. Please join David and all our...
Meet Our Readers: Amanda Claire Buckley
Amanda Claire Buckley is a self-proclaimed troubadour. Her storytelling, music, and writing as taken her across the country--from Chicago to New York to DC--and abroad. She's performed live-lit at Essay Fiesta, Write Club, Is This a Thing, StoryClub, Story Lab,...
Meet Our Readers: Paul Dailing
Paul Dailing is the creator of 1,001 Chicago Afternoons, a website telling new, true stories of Chicago and real Chicagoans three times a week until he hits 1,001 stories. The project won a Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism from...
Meet Our Readers: Brian Heath
Brian Heath is a veteran of film and television production turned writer, comedian and storyteller. He has performed sketch and improv at Second City, IO Chicago and The Annoyance Theater. He is currently a writer and performer for local sketch...
Meet Our Readers: Jill Howe
Jill Howe co-produces Story Sessions, a monthly live lit event featuring true stories connected through a theme, live music and real-time story-inspired artwork at the beautiful City Winery in the West Loop. In addition to performing her own stories, Jill...
Tuesday Funk #85: September 1, 2015
Wow, back-to-school time already? Tuesday Funk will help you forget about test anxiety with readings by guests Brian Heath, Amanda Buckley, Jill Howe, Paul Dailing and David Daskal to your favorite eclectic monthly reading series. Join us Tuesday, Sept. 1...
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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