Tuesday Funk likes Open Books
Tuesday Funk is delighted to be producing this Friday's Chicago Writers Conference special reading event together with Open Books, an organization that truly needs and deserves your support. Open Books, if you don't know, is a nonprofit social venture that...
Tuesday Funk likes Kegs for Kids
We at Tuesday Funk love Hopleaf and the wonderful room they let us use every month, so we're happy to spread the word about a great cause they undertake every year. No, it's not a program to give beer to...
Hopleaf Bar is a star!
Tuesday Funk is eternally grateful to Hopleaf Bar for giving us such an atmospheric and welcoming home every month. In return, we'd like to congratulate Michael Roper not just on Hopleaf's recent beautiful expansion, but also on its appearance earlier...
Help Support the Hopleaf and Peirce Elementary School!
As you know, the Hopleaf Bar has been home to the Tuesday Funk Reading Series for about a year, now. The Hopleaf folks have been gracious and generous with their space. So we’d like to return the favor and spread...
Update! Changes to Special Event for 10/16
Due to gnostic turpitude and other atmospheric fluctuations, the details of our Special Event this Friday have changed. We are now meeting at: Looseleaf Lounge 2915 N Broadway St Chicago, IL 60657 9 PM Unfortunately, K. Silem Mohammad will...
Tuesday Funk #17
NEW LOCATION! This month's Tuesday Funk will take place at The Hopleaf, 5148 N. Clark St., Chicago. Please join us for the next reading on Tuesday, October 6th: RAYMOND L. BIANCHI is a native of Chicago and the child of...
Tuesday Funk at Hopleaf
We are happy to announce that our October 6th reading will take place upstairs at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark Street (just south of Foster) in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood. For those who haven't been there yet, it's a gorgeous restaurant...
Flourish Bakery Cafe: Our New Host!
Starting on October 7th, Tuesday Funk will be hosted by the Flourish Bakery Cafe conveniently located at 1138 West Bryn Mawr, just steps from the Bryn Mawr Red Line stop.
About Us
Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. Join us at Hopleaf the first Tuesday of every month.
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