Debriefings : Page 12
September debriefing
Hey, if you weren't at Hopleaf this week for Tuesday Funk, you missed a good 'un, a real good 'un. 12-point buck good, in fact. We had Carissa DiGiovanni reading us poems, Noreen Natale telling us amusing stories, and Naomi...
August debriefing
In our humble opinion, Tuesday Funk just keeps getting better and better. What can we submit as evidence, you ask? May it please the court, we present our August 2nd reading at Hopleaf, which, in succession, drew a standing-room crowd...
June debriefing
If you missed our Science Fiction Sextuple Feature this past Tuesday night, you missed a brisk, funny, and exciting evening with some of today's upcoming and best writers of speculative fiction. That's right, we were joined upstairs at Hopleaf by...
May debriefing
We're sounding like a broken record at this point, but if you missed Tuesday Funk #34 last night, you definitely missed our best reading yet. Want to hear about it? Okay, fine. Our delighted audience last night heard Scott Smith...
April debriefing
I know we say this every month, but if you missed Tuesday Funk #33 last night, you may have missed our strongest evening of readings yet. The rapt audience last night was treated to Lisa Chalem's hilarious and touching reminiscence...
By the way, did we remember to mention that the February reading was legendary? Believe.
March debriefing
We at Tuesday Funk were delighted last week, delighted, to see our wonderful audience rebound after February's blizzard, once again giving us a standing-room-only event in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf. What's all the fuss about? Let us fill you...
February debriefing
I've posted elsewhere a more subjective account of last week's February episode of Tuesday Funk. It was an amazing evening, made all the more remarkable by the fact that it took place in the midst of the Great Chicago Blizzard...
January debriefing
We're slobberingly grateful to everyone who helped make January's episode of Tuesday Funk such a rousing successreaders and audience alike. Another attentive, engaged, standing-room-only crowd turned out to be entertained and mesmerized by our savory six. If you were among...
December debriefing
We'd like to offer a giant gusher of gratitude to everyone who helped make last night's episode of Tuesday Funk such a rousing successreaders and audience alike. Our biggest crowd yet (standing-room only!) turned out to see our fantastic five...