Debriefings : Page 7
December debriefing
Holy standing room only, Batman! This was a popular show... and for good reason! Clayton Smith started us off strong with an excerpt from his new novel Anomaly Flats, about adventure and fantastical... anomalies in rural Missouri. Next up was...
November debriefing
Not to brag, but Tuesday Funk #87 was another stellar show! First up, Nick DiSabato told us why we should buy six-packs for the kitchen staff and waxed humorous on his ambivalence about camping. Then Kyle Thiessen made his Tuesday...
September debriefing
Just like we mourn the passing of summer, so we will mourn the moving of our bartender Mark... to the Twin Cities. Tuesday Funk #85 was his last show with us, so in honor of his tenure, we drank extra...
August debriefing
Another amazing show on the books... this must be starting to sound like hyperbole, but I assure you, friend, it is not. The night started off strong with Robert McDonald and his swan obsession - manifested a series of fairytale...
July Debriefing
Wow, what a show. Not much more to say than that. Seeya next month! I kid, I kid. The night started off strong with Lily Be's telling of how our stories - particularly those of people of color - can...
June debriefing
It was a star-studded cast at this month's Tuesday Funk, and we tried to restrain ourselves from asking for autographs. Emily Nordling set the scene with an excerpt from her historical novel about a mysterious photograph. Next up, Mary Lorenz...
May Debriefing
We may not have had margaritas, but we had great writers, and isn't that really what Cinco de Mayo is all about? Maggie Kast started off the night with an essay about making fudge and an excerpt from her newest...
April Debriefing
What a show! We had a packed crowd - standing room only - for Tuesday Funk #80 last night. Former TF co-host Sara Ross Witt started off the night with a heartbreaking story of a family in wartime, dealing with...
March Debriefing
The fluffy white snow has transitioned to hard black lumps, which means... it's almost spring! We rang in the new season with an evening of awesome readers! Genevieve Waller warmed up the crowd with four linked essays about living with...
February Debriefing
Blizzards will not keep Chicago down! Even though the weather was awful, our beloved room at Hopleaf was packed, our beer was plentiful, and our readers top-notch. Alan DeNiro started the night off right with an alternately dark and amusing...