Tuesday Funk : Page 126

Hi, everyone. My name is William Shunn, and I'm one of the new co-producers of Tuesday Funk. If you're reading this, you've probably already noticed our spiffy new web site. I'd like to tell you about some of the other changes afoot.

Tuesday Funk has been one of the most exciting and unpredictable reading series in Chicago since its founding in early 2008. We've featured wild-eyed poets, lark-tongued troubadours, and more excellent fiction, verse, and essays read live than you could shake a blue pencil at. I'm fortunate enough to have been asked to read for the series four times in the past couple of years myself, and I'm proud to have been considered an adjunct member of the Tuesday Funk family.

Connor Coyne, Reinhardt Suarez and Hallie Palladino of the Gothic Funk Nation have run Tuesday Funk with scary efficiency since 2008. I'm very pleased and more than a little humbled to now be co-producing together with Sara Ross (whose entry into the family was announced in July). Sara and I hope to keep the same great mix of genres and disciplines that has made the series so much fun in the past, while throwing in some curve balls to keep things fresh and interesting. We have some big shoes to fill.

While I never want the series to get away from its roots as a showcase for Chicago writers, I'd love to bring more out-of-towners into the mix too. So if you're a writer (or something similar) and plan to be in Chicago the first week of any given month, please drop us a line and we'll see if we have room for you. We'd love to have you. (Email us at tuesdayfunkchicago@gmail.com.)

Oh, another thing. Chicagoans, please mark your calendars for our next reading on Tuesday, October 5, 7:30 pm, at Hopleaf. We'll have Jackie Adamski and Gothic Funk/Tuesday Funk founder Connor Coyne with us that night, and I'll be batting cleanup with my fifth appearance as a Tuesday Funk reader. But most importantly we need to keep our attendance high so we can continue using Hopleaf's upstairs bar month after month. More reminders will follow, but we hope to see you there.

We also have a new Facebook page. Please drop by and "like" Tuesday Funk. And watch for Sara and me to tell you more about ourselves and our upcoming readers over the next several days.

Finally, thanks to Hallie and Reinhardt and especially Connor for all their hard, often thankless work, for their continued input and advice, and for entrusting us with their baby. For all that things may be changing, and for all that we'll make mistakes along the way, we hope to keep the high quality of the Tuesday Funk the same. Thanks, Gothic Funk Nation, for letting us be citizens.


As you know, the Hopleaf Bar has been home to the Tuesday Funk Reading Series for about a year, now. The Hopleaf folks have been gracious and generous with their space. So we’d like to return the favor and spread the word about a Hopleaf event that is for a good cause (um, for da kids).

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It’s a really cool event for a noble cause. C’mon. You wanna be noble, right? Oh, and there’s beer.

Tuesday Funk #26


Alright, ladies and gents. We’re back. Better than ever. Because of the robots.

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Come to Tuesday Funk, and you will know why we cry. Wait. That doesn’t sound too fun. Forget about the cry part. Just come on down (if you want to live) to Hopleaf, listen to some great readers, and drink high class beer.

Tuesday Funk #0!


First of all, I’d like to announce that Tuesday Funk will take a much needed break in August. But it will be back on the first Tuesday of September.

Now then, an explanation of the title of the post:

Traditionally, comics and magazines with the volume number set to zero are meant to be explanations of the origins of the series. All is supposed to be revealed. However, in this case, I use it in the “Pol Potian” (word?) way to mean “making a new start.”

Pol Pot Envy

As announced at July’s Tuesday Funk, I, your friendly neighborhood Reinhardt Suarez, will no longer be hosting this exciting and intrepid reading series (every first Tuesday of the month at Hopleaf Bar–check it out!). I cannot express how fun it has been to see this reading grow into what it is, and how fun it has been to help it along in the minuscule ways that I have.

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But fear not! Though we were hoping LeBron would actually sign with us, we did have a backup plan. And that involved sending me, two draft picks to be named later, a collection of Stevie Nicks CDs, and three large pepperoni pizzas to an undisclosed reading in far-flung Minneapolis for the rights to Sara Ross, a veteran host from such illustrious places as New York City (city of glamor and fame!) and Washington D.C. (city of knife fights and jowly men in suits making bad decisions with ill-gotten gains!)

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He broke our hearts, too. Tonight, we are all Cleveland.

Sara, along with Tuesday Funk stalwart, Hallie Palladino, will continue to bring you eclectic nights of fiction, essays, and poetry at the same TF-time and same TF-channel. So please stay tuned.

*Cue sunset, me walking toward it, and finding out that it’s a matte painting.*


Tuesday Funk #25


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It’s once again time for your regular monthly serving of Tuesday Funk! As always, we have a gaggle of great readers, and as always, we are at Hopleaf, home of beer, frites, and the best audience in the Chicagoland area. So end your Fourth of July weekend the right way with us. We’ll bring the bag of chips if you bring the “all that.”

This month’s readers:

Liza Ann Acosta

Kevin Kane

Dan Duffy

Tuesday Funk #24


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Hi all!

Come join us for another explosive Tuesday Funk!

Where: Hopleaf Bar

When: June 1, 2010, 7:30 PM

Readers: Sean Manning, Truly Render, Sara Ross, and Cesar Torres

Tuesday Funk #23


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It is time once again to invite you to a Tuesday Funk Reading. After our one-month hiatus, we are back to bring you awesome readers, awesome beers, and cool company. So if you’re a TF veteran, welcome back! And if you’re new to TF, what the hell are you waiting for?

Tuesday Funk #…Wha?


Hi all. This is Reinhardt here, co-host of the Tuesday Funk Reading Series. Normally, you’d be looking at this and reading the info for our illustrious reading coming up. However, due to a semi-unfortunate event (a beer brewer’s conference coming to Chicago in early April). our lovely venue cannot host us in April. So, alas, we will take a short hiatus until May 4, when we will come back better than ever!

Until then, have at thee.

Love, Reinhardt (also on behalf of Connor Coyne and Hallie Palladino)

Tuesday Funk #22


Please join us on Tuesday, March 2nd for the third Tuesday Funk Reading of 2010.
Hopleaf Bar at 5148 N. Clark Street
Reading starts 7:30 PM.
Upstairs room opens 7:00 PM.
Come early to get a good seat.
Cash only at the bar upstairs.

Tuesday Funk #21


click to view - mousewheel to zoom

Please join us on Tuesday, February 2nd for the second Tuesday Funk Reading of 2010.
Hopleaf Bar at 5148 N. Clark Street
Reading starts 7:30 PM.
Upstairs room opens 7:00 PM.
Come early to get a good seat.
Cash only at the bar upstairs.

Liza Ann Acosta teaches Comparative Literature at North Park University and is an artistic associate of Chicago's only all-Latina theater company, Teatro Luna.

Mary-Terese Cozzola is a writer and filmmaker. Her prose and poetry have been published in Crawdad, After Hours, and Swivel, and her films have screened at the Gene Siskel Film Center, the Chicago Short Comedy Video & Film Festival, and the Midwest Independent Film Festival. She has performed solo pieces at the Stockyards Theatre Women's Performance Art Festival and SpeakEasy/SpeakHard: the Malinowski salon. You can learn more about her work at www.mtcozzola.com. She lives in and loves Chicago.

Ryan Philip Kulefsky lives in Chicago, IL and holds an MFA from Bard College. His chapbook, DEAD TWINS, published by Bathroom Reading Materials (2010), is comprised of contributions to an email listserv during the fall of 2009. He teaches writing and rhetoric and American literature at Columbia College.

Brian Russell earned his MFA from the University of Houston, where he served as poetry editor of Gulf Coast. His poems have appeared or will in Mid-American Review; Epoch; Quarterly West; LIT; and Forklift, Ohio; among others. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in the past three years.

Steve Timm is a poet and author of 'n'altra storio, Disparity, and the chapbooks Stragetics and Averrage. He was the performer in A Poem by Steve Timm, a video by Ya-Ling Tsai chosen for the 2004 Wisconsin Film Festival. He teaches English as a second language at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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