Tuesday Funk : Page 37

Tuesday Funk # 111 - December 5, 2017


Oh, the weather outside may be frightful, but Tuesday Funk is so delightful...

Join us at the Hopleaf on Tuesday, Dec. 5 for another edition of Chicago's favorite eclectic monthly reading series! We'll have readings by Jasmine Davila, James Gordon, H. Melt, Faisal Mohyuddin and Tom Underberg, plus extra treats by cohosts Andrew Huff and Eden Robins!

As always, admission is free, but you must be 21 to attend. Doors open at 7pm sharp (don't dawdle if you want a seat!) and the show will start at 7:30pm. Please RSVP on Facebook -- and if you haven't yet, get ready to start the new year right by liking our page so you get our announcements right in your stream.

Sponsored by the Chicago Review of Books.

Tuesday Funk #111 - November 5, 2017

November 2017 Debrief


Britt Julious November 2017 Tuesday Funk - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
The room at the top of the stairs at Hopleaf filled with expectant audience members, and the 110th edition of Tuesday Funk fully delivered on those expectations!

Henri Harps led us off with the tale of a jazz saxophonist who lost himself in the music. Next, Jeff Ruby shared an excerpt from his new middle-grade novel, Penelope March is Melting, then Britt Julious read an essay about trauma and recovery.

During intermission, bartender Slim refreshed everyone's drinks, and cohost Andrew Huff brought us back into the show with a found text poem about how to's.

Gint Aras then read a portion of his memoir about racism in Cicero, and Parneshia Jones closed out the evening with a selection of poems, including one that had everyone craving an Italian beef. Fortunately, there was plenty of food right downstairs.

We'll be back in the upstairs lounge at Hopleaf on Tuesday, December 5, with readings by James Gordon, Faisal Mohyuddin, Jasmine Davila, H. Melt and Tom Underberg. Hope to see you there!

Reminder: Tuesday Funk #110 is tonight!


You definitely don't want to miss this amazing show, featuring Gint Aras, Henri Harps, Parneshia Jones, Jeff Ruby, and Britt Julious! Hosted, as always, by Andrew Huff and Eden Robins.

Our readings take place at Hopleaf Bar, 5148 N. Clark St. in Chicago. We get started promptly at 7:30 pm in the upstairs lounge. Arrive early if you want a seat -- but no earlier than 7:00 pm. Our readings are free, but only those 21 and over will be admitted. No food can be brought in from the restaurant. See you there!

Tuesday Funk #110 - November 7, 2017 - click to view - mousewheel to zoom

Meet Our Readers: Henri Harps


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Henri Harps is a guitarist, writer and jazz fanatic born in Washington D.C. After spending nearly a decade navigating the flailing cultural milieu of New York City, he now happily calls Chicago home. He does this along with his wife, menagerie of aging animals, and a continually expanding array of musical instruments.

Please join Henri and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.

Meet Our Readers: Gint Aras


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Gint Aras has been trapped on planet Earth since 1973. His prose and translations have appeared in such places as Quarterly West, St. Petersburg Review, ReImagine, STIR Journal, Antique Children, The Good Men Project and other publications. His novel, The Fugue, was a finalist for the 2016 Chicago Writers Association's Book of the Year Award. He lives in Oak Park with his family.

Please join Gint and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.

Meet Our Readers: Parneshia Jones


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Parneshia Jones is the author of Vessel: Poems (Milkweed Editions), winner of the Midwest Book Award and an Oprah.com pick for 12 Poetry Books to Savor. After studying creative writing at Chicago State University, earning an MFA from Spalding University, and studying publishing at Yale University, Jones has been honored with the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award, the Margaret Walker Short Story Award, and the Aquarius Press Legacy Award. Named one of the "25 Writers to Watch" by the Guild Complex and one of "Lit 50: Who Really Books in Chicago" by Newcity Magazine, her work has been anthologized in She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems, and The Ringing Ear: Black Poets Lean South, and featured on PBS Newshour, the Academy of American Poets, espnW, and Poets and Writers Live. She currently serves as the Poetry Editor for Northwestern University Press/TriQuarterly Books. In addition to her editorial duties, Jones holds the position Sales and Community Outreach Manager, working with communities across the globe on literature focused in the humanities.

Please join Parneshia and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.

Meet Our Readers: Britt Julious


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Britt Julious is a writer born and bred in Chicago. She currently pens a weekly column for the Chicago Tribune and previously edited for Vice. She's written feature profiles and personal essays for the New York Times, Rolling Stone, GQ, Esquire, ELLE, Pitchfork, and many other outlets. She's currently at work on a collection of essays about overcoming trauma.

Please join Britt and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.

Meet Our Readers: Jeff Ruby


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Jeff Ruby is the chief dining critic of Chicago magazine. He is the author of the middle-grade novel Penelope March Is Melting, which comes out on November 14th, and coauthor of Everybody Loves Pizza: The Deep Dish on America's Favorite Food. Ruby has also played college basketball in Ireland, assisted in an autopsy, and sumo wrestled in front of 20,000 people in New Jersey. He lives in Chicago with his wife and three children.

Please join Jeff and our other amazing readers on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 in the upstairs bar at Hopleaf. Doors open at 7pm, and the show starts at 7:30. It's free, and 21-and-over. RSVP on Facebook.

Haiku for October 2017


Tuesday Funk cohost Andrew Huff read a couple of quick haiku at the Andersonville Arts Week edition of the show.

Puerto Ricans are
U.S. citizens. We are
failing Americans.

Unexpected stain:
Where did this spot come from?
Was it last night's meal?

Autumn leaves clog drains,
turning streets into streams and
temporary ponds.

Andersonville Arts Week Show Debrief


Karen Clanton at Tuesday Funk 109.5 - click to view - mousewheel to zoom
We had a blast at the special Andersonville Arts Week edition of Tuesday Funk, demonstrating the eclecticism of our format for an attentive audience who braved the rain to see us on a Saturday.

Leading us off, Karen Clanton read an essay about how she's saying "I usually don't, but..." a lot more as she's gotten older. Then Aaron Cynic railed against the administration and channeled a lot of the nihilism and rage a lot of folks have been feeling this year. Cohost Andrew Huff read a couple of his patented seasonal haiku, and Paul McComas and Maya Kuper took us into the intermission with a performance an excerpt of their alt-rock musical UNPLUGGED: A Survivor's Story in Scenes & Songs.

Bartender Jason refilled our drinks, and we settled back into the show with a prose poem by guest cohost Emma Terhaar. Benjamin Goluboff read a trio of poems from his forthcoming collection, and finally Kellye Howard read a portion of her memoir in progress.

We'll be back to our usual first Tuesday schedule with a show on November 7, featuring Parneshia Jones, Henri Harps, Jeff Ruby, Gint Aras and Britt Julious. Hope to see you there!

Photo by Aaron Cynic
